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 Interview Bill et Tom

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3 participants


Nombre de messages : 194
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2007

Interview Bill et Tom Empty
MessageSujet: Interview Bill et Tom   Interview Bill et Tom Icon_minitimeMar 28 Aoû - 0:43

Je viens de trouver cette interview et je la trouve juste trop trop belle quoi!
J'ai une soeur jumelle ausis mais on est fausses jumelles odnc on est proches mais pas autant qu'eux deux!
Je suis trop trop émue par cette interview!
Je l'adire

Interview Bravo Bill et Tom

Bravo Interview with the Kaulitz' Twins

Bravo: What is so special about your connection?
Tom: We are so different and at the same time so alike. We don't look like twins, but we are soulmates. When I look at Bill, I just know what he is thinking. I just know when he has a problem even when he is not here.
Bill: There is a strong connections between us.

Bravo: You both come across and dress very different – what makes you the same?
Bill: If we talk about character, we are both very stubborn.
Tom: and persistent. When we have an idea in our head we do everything to make it happen.
Bill: Besides that, we both hate broccoli and love pizza. The most important thing is that we can laugh together. We only have to just look at each other….

Bravo: And what in your character makes you different?
Tom: I am just cooler and calm. I think long about decisions. Bill just listens to his heart.

Bravo: Are there things you do without each other?
Bill: going to the toilet, taking a bath, taking a shower (laughs). Besides that, nothing.

Bravo: Do you miss each other when you are apart?
Tom: Yes, absolutely. When we were six years old we were on a summer camp . We were sleeping in tents and stuff. Bill was homesick and had gone home…..
Bill: ….That is so not true! It was the other way around! Our mom had to pick up Tom! I stayed there one week without him.
Tom: That's rubbish! Just saying, we were apart and missed each other. We were very happy when we saw each other again.

Bravo: Is there any competition between you two?
Tom: Not anymore. As kids maybe. I was the first one that could ride a bike and swim.
Bill: Oh man, up till now he is still very proud about that!
Tom: Bill still can't do neither. He also used to be jealous that I had more girls. But I think he has accepted that (laughs).

Bravo: Now Bill is more in the spotlight, do you have a problem with that, Tom?
Tom: As long as I have more girls then him, I am just fine (grins).

Bravo: Why are you happy with your brother, Bill?
Bill: I admire the fact that he is such a great guitarist and he works very hard on it. Also I am happy with the fact that he is just the brother that everyone would wish for. I can count on him for 100%. My trust in him has no limits.

Bravo: Tom, why are you happy with Bill?
Tom: Bill is more in the spotlight then me. I admire the way he is handling it all. He doesn't let it get to him, and stays true to himself. Bill was born to be a leading man. Also I can just tell him anything.

Bravo: Do you worry about Bill?
Tom: Yes, because he is very agreeable. I think all singers are like that. He just has to be careful that he doesn't break down. I am worried that he won't get trough the long tour. That's why I try to take care of him and bring him some tea.

Bravo: Do you take care of each other when your parents aren't there?
Tom: Yes, I always say to Bill on tour: "Put on a sweater before you get a cold"!
And were not even camping, you wimp (laughs)
Bill: The singer is always the pussy in the band. The other ones can be on stage when they are cold but not me. That's why they all take care of me. But when Tom is sick I take care of him too.

Bravo: Tom acts very cool, can he also be emotional, Bill?
Bill: Tom has got a big heart. He can just be in love, emotional and sad just like me. We are very alike in that. He just doesn't show it the way I do. He only lets it out at home.
Tom: The two times that I have cried in my life, Bill was there.

Bravo: Do you say to each other how much you appreciate the other?
Bill: Off course we tell each other that we like the other one around and hug each other. But to be honest, we don't have to. We know what we mean to each other.

Bravo: What would you do for the other one?
Bill: Everything. Just everything. We even wanna die for each other.

Bravo: A bonus rack on your new single is called "In die nacht". In that song you talk about only wanting to live together.
Bill: That's right. We absolutely wanted to make a song about our connection. We even wanna die together. The idea that one of us dies is just unbearable for us. We can't imagine living without the other.
Tom: That is such a crazy idea that one of us dies and leaves the other one behind.
Bill: I just don't wanna think about that too much. But when we have to go we go together.

Bravo: What will happen when something happens to one of you?
Bill: I always imagine the following situation: We are standing on the edge of a cliff and someone says: "one of you has to jump and can never come back". We would definitely jump together. 100%

Bravo: In your new single "spring nicht" Bill sings about someone who doesn't want to live anymore. Tom, what would you do when Bill would think that way?
Bill: When one of us doesn't wanna live anymore, the other one doesn't want anymore either.
Tom: When it is going bad with Bill it is going bad with me. But off course I would do anything to save him. If someone can do that, then its me.
Bill: I was once in the hospital. When I woke up from narcosis, Tom was there. He sat next to my bed all day and fell asleep. I just wanted to see my brother. Nobody else can help me in such a situation but him.

Bravo: Do you wanna live together?
Bill: Yes, we can't imagine anything else. Maybe living next to each other or two houses connected by a door.

Bravo: Aren't you jealous when the other one has a girlfriend?
Bill: Absolutely not. We are happy for the other. When a girl is important to Tom I will accept her – regardless of what I think about her.
Tom: The connection with a girl is also very different from ours. I can't imagine trusting a girl like I trust Bill. I also wouldn't spend less time with him when I have a girlfriend. She just has to accept that.

Bravo: And when a girl would say: Your brother or me!
Bill: When she has something against my brother, I just can't love her. I don't let anyone come between us.

Bravo: Can you love someone else the way you love each other?
Bill: We love our parents of course. But the connection we have is something special. We know each other since we were in the womb! You can't get any closer then that…
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Nombre de messages : 174
Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2007

Interview Bill et Tom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Interview Bill et Tom   Interview Bill et Tom Icon_minitimeMar 28 Aoû - 5:13

Je l'avais lu je crois. J'aime beaucoup Smile. C'est vrai moi aussi je suis disons.. fasciné par le lien qu'il y a entre Bill & Tom. C'est vraiment beau à voir leur complicité. Même plus que ça.. C'est indescriptible.

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Nombre de messages : 194
Age : 41
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2007

Interview Bill et Tom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Interview Bill et Tom   Interview Bill et Tom Icon_minitimeMar 28 Aoû - 18:06

C'est trop beau!! Very Happy

Ca fait un peu flipper aussi quand même soyons honnete
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Nombre de messages : 174
Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2007

Interview Bill et Tom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Interview Bill et Tom   Interview Bill et Tom Icon_minitimeMar 28 Aoû - 20:21

Oui je comprends ce que tu veux dire. C'est trop cute tout les deux.. Awww.
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Nombre de messages : 227
Age : 35
Localisation : In my dreams
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2007

Interview Bill et Tom Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Interview Bill et Tom   Interview Bill et Tom Icon_minitimeMar 28 Aoû - 20:32

Jtrouve ca trop beau ^^
C'est dingue
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